晃晃Pulse 古典吉他与影像艺术 吉他们网主办 2012年11月25日

Jitamen.com 非常高兴地告诉大家,古典吉他将与影像艺术共同演绎。它将给我们提供一个机会,看到古典吉他所演绎的现代新概念,这在中国各地的音乐厅里都还没有机会看到。

现代音乐的古典吉他演绎,由来自北京的吉他网站Jitamen.com举办,古典吉他演奏家约瑟夫·米兰蒂亚(Joseph Mirandilla)和中国影像艺术家任波共同呈现。演出曲目为20世纪下半叶和21世纪初的著名作曲家为吉他所创作的作品。


 《告别特拉契斯》萨尔瓦多·夏利诺 / 毛里奇奥·比萨提




古典音乐专家阿莱克斯·罗斯(Alex Ross)在他2008年出版的关于现代音乐的著作《The Rest is Noise》中这样写道:


“二十世纪的古典音乐作品,对很多人来说就是噪音。这在很大程度上是一种难以驾驭的艺术,没有被充分吸收的营养。当杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock)的滴洒画作可以在艺术市场上卖到一百万美元甚至更多,当马修·巴尼(Matthew Barney)和大卫·林奇(David Lynch)的实验性作品会在全国各地的大学宿舍里被分析,与此相对应的现代音乐仍然只是带给听众一阵阵不安,而并没有对外部世界产生什么深刻的影响。古典音乐已经是一种僵化的形象,一个从巴赫到马勒、普契尼的作品仓库。人们有时甚至会惊讶于仍然有作曲家在从事这种创作。”




 这场音乐会的演奏者是极具才华的古典吉他演奏家约瑟夫·米兰蒂亚(Joseph Mirandilla),他尤以演奏现代音乐见长。


 与此同时,我们将欣赏到任波的影像艺术原创作品 “一种光源来呈现”……





The Beijinger (English)


任 波





视频:任 波






 《告别特拉契斯》萨尔瓦多·夏利诺 / 毛里奇奥·比萨提



约瑟夫·佩雷兹·米兰蒂里亚是菲律宾籍古典吉他演奏家。最初在圣托马斯大学学习吉他演奏,师从鲁本·雷耶斯教授。2005年赴日本广岛伊丽莎白音乐大学攻读硕士学位。导师为世界著名当代音乐团体 Ensemble NOMAD 的艺术总监佐藤紀雄。近年,受邀定期在中国、日本、新加坡、菲律宾举办个人独奏音乐会及大师班讲座。现任教于四川音乐学院。
时间: 2012年11月25日 周日 19:00
地点: 北京市东城区交道口南大街东棉花胡同35号
门票: 50元(学生) 100元(预订) 120元(现场)
订票电话:蓬蒿剧场 6400 6472(11:00 – 22:00)
演出策划:北京吉他们网站 www.Jitamen.com



Contemporary Classical Guitar Solo Concert

Solo Guitar: Joseph Mirandilla
Video: Ren Bo
Music Program:
Koyunbaba (Carlo Domeniconi)
Tres Momentos Microtonales (Agustin Castilla-Avila)
Prelude BWV997 (J.S. Bach)
Undulations (Yoriaki Matsudaira)
L’Addio a Trachis (Salvatore Sciarrino / Maurizio Pisati)
Electric Counterpoint (Steve Reich)

Joseph Perez Mirandilla received his first training of the guitar
at the University of Santo Tomas Conservatory of Music under the
guidance of Ruben F. Reyes. In 2005, Joseph went to
Japan to pursue his post-graduate studies focusing
on contemporary guitar music with Norio Sato,
a world renowned leader of the contemporary music group
Ensemble NOMAD, at the Elisabeth University of Music.
Joseph is guitar teacher in Sichuan Conservatory of Music in China.


Video works of Ren Bo display as a light source. Pulse undulations pictures bring the audience into a tempting zone intentionally or unintentionally.


Date: Sunday 25th Nov, 2012, 19:00
Address: Penghao Theatre, Dongmianhua Hutong No.35, Dongcheng district Beijing
Ticket: 50 (Students)、100 (Reservation)、120 (by door)
Booking: Peng Hao Theatre 6400 6472(11:00 – 22:00)
Organised by: Beijing Guitar Website www.Jitamen.com



Classical Music specialist and writer Alex Ross in his book about contemporary music published in 2008 -The Rest is Noise-:

“Twentieth-century classical composition, sounds like noise to many. It is a largely untamed art, an unassimilated underground. While the splattered abstractions of Jackson Pollock sell on the art market for a hundred million dollars or more, and while experimental works by Matthew Barney or David Lynch are analyzed in college dorms across the land, the equivalent in music still sends ripples of unease through concert audiences and makes little perceptible impact on the outside world. Classical music is stereotyped as an art of the dead, a repertory that begins with Bach and terminates with Mahler and Puccini. People are sometimes surprised to learn that composers are still writing at all.”

Nowadays there are huge of talented classical music composers. They represent and reflect with their music works the world we are now living in. Their approach to music art is different from the one the great Bach had or Mahler had. But it is not less important or interesting.
Organising this performance jitamen.com wants to present some of those contemporary composers and guitarists whom with their compositions and interpretations bring to us the classical music of our time, of our generation.
The concert will be played by Joseph Mirandilla.  A talented Classical Guitarist specialised in Contemporary Music interpretations.
We will Listen contemporary harmonies, sonorities, colours, melodies, rhythms, forms, different music languages, compositional techniques…
At the same time We will See RenBo video art original works “displays as a light source”…