音乐会吉他 2014.04.25 (19.30pm)北京三里屯

2014.04.25 (19.30pm) 北京三里屯北路81号那里花园Velvet Nali Patio. Sanlitun

大提琴:  Sergi Boadella

吉他 :   Fanye /Alberto Cuellar 老多 /Gilbert Imperial

小提琴: Daniel Hauptmann

Tabla 塔布拉: Hadi

音乐会 由吉他们举办 concert organized by www.jitamen.com




安东尼奥·马林·蒙代罗 Marin Montero 1986

曼努埃尔·康特雷拉斯一世(父)1988 “双面板”型 Contreras I

卢卡斯·马丁 Lucas Martin 2014

约翰·雷“托雷斯型”2011 John Ray(仿一把1892年的托雷斯吉他

曼努埃尔·雷耶斯(老)1989 Manuel Reyes

安东尼奥·莱亚·帕多 Pardo 1988 “托雷斯型”.

拉斐尔·莫雷诺吉他-2007 Rafael Moreno 




吉伯·安培阿(Gilbert Imperial)

Gilbert Imperial Photo


2006年,他在日本首次登台(Gendai Guitar, Nagoya Players Association, Moisycos Guitar Festival). 2007年在负有盛名的阿根廷和乌拉圭莫扎特环南美演出中出任表演嘉宾。同年受邀于特伦特的莫扎特艺术节,与Francesco Pepicelli(cello)和Filarmonica A.Toscanini di Parma交响乐团演出。

吉伯·安培阿作为独奏家和重奏家频繁与欧洲多个室内乐团、交响乐团、著名指挥家以及知名作曲家合作演出。在他的音乐会里,安培阿怀着对现代室内乐的极大兴趣,选取不同时期的曲目。在他的独奏音乐会中,他会将古典、电子、贝斯吉他交替演绎。意大利电视台RaiTre和电台Radio Tre、瑞士电视台Television de la Suisse Romande、德国电台Bayerische Rundfunk和越南国家电视台都曾经播放过他的节目。

近年来,他在意大利等地荣获各种奖学金,并多次在国际音乐演奏比赛中胜出。2003年,开始在Fondazione Istituto Musicale della Valle d’Aosta的SFOM 分校任教。最近,他在伯尔尼获得一个名为Trash TV Trance for IGNM的音乐项目,向法斯托·罗米特里德音乐致敬。通过这个项目,他在瑞士用电吉他独奏名为Trash TV Trance的作品以及合奏名为Blood on the Floor的作品,这两首曲目都是世界首演。他和il trio乐团,已为日本唱片公司Moisycos灌录了唱片,演奏帕格尼尼的室内乐。




fanye photo1995年开始学习古典吉他,师从国内知名古典吉他演奏家陈华亮。至2001年,先后参加两届全国吉他大赛,分别获得古典吉他第二 、第三名,民谣弹唱第一名。2002年赴奥地利维也纳深造古典吉他专业,曾先后师从于Lukia Agapiu, Jorgos Panetsos, 等名师,并参加了多次维也纳国际吉他艺术节以及Oscar Ghiglia、Jorgos Panetsos、AlvaroPierri、Eduardo Fernandez、Eliot Fisk、Guillien Gabriel等多位世界级大师的大师班,并得到很高的评价。后跟随奥地利Burgenland州立Joseph Haydn音乐学院的吉他和弦乐系主任 Max Hrase (维也纳著名吉他家Louise Walker的学生) 学习,并在2009年获得双学位文凭(音乐教育家&欧洲演奏家)。同年考上瑞士伯尔尼艺术大学(Bern University of Arts)继续深造,于2011年以最高分获得表演艺术硕士学位,后跟随Elena Casoli攻读并取得Solist Diplom(古典音乐领域最高学历)。现于瑞士伯尔尼市立音乐学院,州立Lengnau音乐学院任教。

旅欧期间, 曾多次应邀中国驻奥地利大使馆,驻瑞士大使馆进行演奏。多年的欧洲游学历程,让范晔对音乐有着更深层次的理解和感悟,其演奏的作品,也极具内涵,深获国内外众多知名吉他家的好评。范晔是一位在亚洲及欧洲都十分活跃的吉他演奏家,先后多次在上海、澳门、广州、武汉、杭州、乌鲁木齐、香港、维也纳以及瑞士多地举办各种形式的音乐会。反响很是热烈。

2007年在维也纳成立“ES Duo”古典吉他二重奏,2008年创建“成佳立晔”室内乐演奏组,同年参加香港国际吉他音乐节,举办了独奏音乐会,并开设了个人大师班,反响热烈,获得一致赞赏。2009年创建“维也纳Klingston”三重奏。2008年9月19日在上海音乐厅举办《弦音宫廷》个人古典吉他独奏重奏音乐会。2009年7-8月《古典与现代的结合—维也纳Klingston三重奏》全球巡演。09年12月19日上海东方艺术中心举办《Wiener Klingston Trio—Fly me to the moon》年度音乐会。2010年8月1日上海音乐厅《蓝色回音》上海4season吉他四重奏音乐会。2011年6月28日伯尔尼GKS音乐厅《Electric Counterpoint》多媒体音乐会。2012年8月16日与瑞士伯格道夫交响乐团合作泰迪斯科第一号吉他协奏曲。2013年1月11日上海音乐厅《拉丁美洲的传说》古典吉他独奏音乐会,也是首位华人古典吉他演奏家在上海音乐厅举办个人古典吉他独奏会,并在华首演了阿根廷Tango大师Piazzolla写给吉他的5首小品。瑞士驻华领事馆总领事Heinrich Schellenberg、副总领事兼文化处主任Anna Mattei 以及签证处主任Beatrix Hagmann 都出席了此次音乐会,并且给予极高的肯定和推崇。 2013年5月30日在瑞士伯尔尼音乐厅举办了《Songs from the Chinese》中国主题多媒体专场音乐会,并在瑞士首演了瞿小松、谭盾、黄思瑜、陶钰等华人作曲家为吉他创作的作品,并得到了谭盾等作曲家本人的高度评价,在瑞士掀起一阵中国主题风潮。 2013年6月27日作为首位华人吉他演奏家与瑞士伯尔尼交响乐团合作泰迪斯科第一号吉他协奏曲,受到了伯尔尼州州长的接见,并给予了极高的评价。8月创办“上海国际吉他周”并担任艺术总监,邀请了来自瑞士、意大利、西班牙、德国、中国的音乐家们参与其中,得到了瑞士驻上海领事馆的大力支持。9月受邀参加乌鲁木齐吉他节与香港国际吉他节暨比赛,担任评委并举办大师班及个人音乐会,期间再次受邀广州羊城电台,进行了个人的专访。同年入编《艺术名人录》,成为古典吉他领域唯一一位入编的古典吉他艺术家。

2013年10月开始,携手手风琴,打击乐和声乐陆续推出“SIGW 2013-2014音乐季”等系列古典吉他室内乐音乐会。10月底受邀参与上海音乐学院当代音乐周之上海小交响乐团成立音乐会,并参与首演了由叶聪指挥,院长许舒亚作曲的《散》,获得高度的好评。11月起因入选“上海Swatch Group艺术中心-国际艺术家项目”入驻上海斯沃琪和平艺术中心,与来自世界各地的艺术家一起创作新的当代艺术作品。2014年1月8日受北京敦善管乐团的邀请作为吉他嘉宾,将在北京音乐厅演出Friedrich Gulda的Cello Concert。



Alberto Cuellar 老多


他从小就非常喜欢吉他。自19世纪以来,吉他就一直伴随着他的家族。他最早在家乡和父亲奇科·古埃亚(“Chico” Cuellar)以及老师阿拉力奇·佐耶尔·阿拉里科(Alarich Zoller “Alarico”)一起学习吉他。之后他前往伦敦吉尔德霍尔音乐与戏剧学院(Guildhall School of Music & Drama),师从罗伯特·布莱特摩尔(Robert Brightmore)老师。通过四年的学习,获得了的吉他专业的学位。




他创建了吉他们网站www.jitamen.com ,这也是目前在中国推广古典吉他以及弗拉门戈吉他的最主要的网站之一。



Sergi Boadella 萨琪

Sergi-Boadella-2生于1966年,初学大提琴的老师是Antoni Perramon和Lluís Claret。继而在德国特劳辛根音乐学院与Cristian Florea老师深造,最终作为享誉世界的西班牙大提琴大师Marçal Cervera的弟子结束了学生生涯。

1990年萨琪先生获得西班牙青年音乐家比赛的2等奖,1996年以卓越成绩加入英国吉尔德霍尔音乐学校,先后与Bernard Greenhouse, Michael Flaksman, Maud Tortelier, Anner Bylsma 和 Christophe Coin共同准备和教授大师课。



他录制的5张CD包括贝多芬,德沃夏克,肖斯塔克维琪,图利纳. 萨琪先生的音乐活动遍及德国,法国,意大利,瑞士,葡萄牙,突尼斯,中国和台湾。

他分别在西班牙许多大学教授大提琴,并且做为西班牙大提琴大师Marçal Cervera的助教长达15年。




萨琪先生使用的是意大利热那亚制琴大师Martino Heel于1700年制作的大提琴。




The swiss guitar player Gilbert Impérial was born in Aosta (north-western Italy) and was educated at the local Musical institute. Later he got his Solistendiplom (soloist diploma) from the Hochschule für Musik in Würzburg (Germany), taught by M. Jürgen Ruck and a Konzertdiplom from the Haute Ecole des Arts de Berne, under the guidance of Elena Casoli.

In 2006 he debuted in Japan (Gendai Guitar, Nagoya Players Association, Moisycos Guitar festival), and in 2007 he performed as a guest at the prestigious Argentinian and Uruguayan Mozarteum for a tour in South America. In 2007 he was invited to the Mozart Festival in Trent to perform in duo with Francesco Pepicelli (cello) and the orchestra Filarmonica A. Toscanini di Parma. Gilbert Impérial has gone through intense concert activity as a soloist in China (Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Nanhai Cultural center, GDUT Universty), Corea (Ilshin Hall), Japan (Gendai Guitar), Swiss (Grand Théatre de Genève, Dampfzentrale, Verbier Festival) Argentina (Teatro Mitre di Jujui, Teatro Alberdi di Tucumàn, Teatro de la Fundaciòn di Salta, Nave cultural di Mendoza) e Brazil (teatro Sao Pedro, Casa de cultura Mario Quintana) and Italy.

Gilbert collaborate with numerous chamber music groups and orchestras (Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI, Verbier Festival Orchestra, Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano G. Verdi, Orchestra Filarmonica A. Toscanini di Parma, Ensemble Contrechamps, Fiarí Ensemble) under the batton of important maestros (Peter Eötvös, Manfred Honneck, Peter Rundel, Vladimir Jurowskij, Wayne Marshall, Cristopher Poppen) and has the further opportunity to collaborate with diverse composers such as Peter Eötvös, Andrea Nosari, Davide Sanson, Uros Rojko, Maurizio Pisati and Luca Francesconi. In his concerts, Gilbert Impérial takes on repertoire from every period, with a singular interest for contemporary and chamber music. He alternates from classical to electric, to bass guitar in his recitals.

His performances have been broadcasted by the Italian RaiTre and RadioTre, the Swiss “Télevision de la Suisse Romande”, German “Bayerische Rundfunk” and on Vietnam State Television. In recent years he has won various academic scholarships and international competitions in music interpretation in both Italy and beyond. Since the 2003/2004 academic year, he has been a guitar teacher in the SFOM section (Training and Orientation Music School) of the Fondazione Istituto Musicale della Valle d’Aosta. More recently, he has achieved the project TRASH TV TRANCE for IGNM in Berne, dedicated to the music of Fausto Romitelli. For this occasion, he performed the Swiss debut of the works entitled “Trash Tv Trance” for electric guitar and “Blood on the Floor” for ensemble. With the group “il trio”, he has recorded a CD with the Japanese record label Moisycos, dedicated to Paganini’s chamber music.

(Further information: www.gilbertimperial.com – www.vimeo.com/gilbertimperial)



He started to play Classical Guitar since 1995. In 2002 he went to Vienna Austria for classical guitar studies, which have been studied by Lukia Agapiu, Jorgos Panetsos etc., He has studied in Joseph Haydn Conservatory Eisenstadt Burgenland Austria. He studied by Head of String Department Prof. Max Hrase. Since 2009, there he got two Diploma (Music education and Music Performance). He finished his Mater degree in University of the Arts Berne Switzerland by Elena Casoli with a high score. Since 2011 he continue to pursue a Master Specialized Music Performance (Solist Diplom, the highest educational qualification level in classical music and opera) degree. He also studied Lute with Peter Croton in HKB. At the same time he teaches in different music schools in Switzerland(Conservatory Bern etc.). FAN Ye is an active guitarist in Asia, regularly giving concerts in Shanghai, Macau, Hong Kong, Austria, Switzerland.


He has attended in many Masterclasses with Jorgos Panetsos, Alvaro Pierri, Eduardo Fernandez, Eliot Fisk, Matthias Seidel, Guillien Gabriel etc.,. Founded “ES Duo” classical guitar duet in Vienna 2007, in 2008 “Cheng Jia Li Ye” chamber music Ensamble, in 2009 “Vienna Klingston Trio”, in 2010 “Shanghai 4 Season Quartet”, has been in Shanghai, Hongkong, Macau, Vienna, Eisenstadt, Vienna New City, with several concerts.


In 2008, 2009 invited by “Hong Kong International Guitar Festival” with solo concert, and Masterclass. 2008 in Shanghai Concert Hall, “Strings Court” classical guitar solo concert. 2009 JulyAugust, “Swing meets Brock” with “Vienna Klingston Trio” concerts tour. December 2009, Shanghai Oriental Art Centre “Vienna Klingston Trio” ‐‐‐ “Fly me to the moon” the annual concert. August 2010, Shanghai Concert Hall, “Blue Echo” Guitar Quartet concert. June 2011, “Guitar Counterpoint” in Bern GKS Hall. Augest 2012, Guitar Concerto No.1 from Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco with Burgdorf Orchesterverein in Switzerland. 11th January 2013, “Una voz en Latino-Ameria” Solo Concert in Shanghai Concert Hall.


He played intruments by Luthier Manuel Contreras 1988 and C.Claus Voigt 2012.


Alberto Cuellar 老多

Alberto Cuellar was born in Granada, Spain.

Since very young was interested for the guitar. A guitar tradition exists in his family since the 19th Century.
He started to learn guitar in his hometown with his father “Chico” Cuellar  and Alarich Zoller “Alarico”. Later he went to London where he lived there for 4 years to get graduated in guitar by the Guildhall School of Music & Drama with teacher Robert Brightmore.

He is being giving recitals in many different countries such as France, EE.UU, Japan, Thailand, England, Spain or India.

Since 2008 he lives in Beijing, China where he is constantly doing guitar recitals and promoting the Spanish Guitar and the Flamenco guitar all over the country.
He performs as a flamenco guitarist during 2013-2014 with the National Dance Company -DongFang- together with Spanish and Chinese flamenco dancers in the main theatres all over China.
He is the founder of www.jitamen.com one of the main guitar websites for the promotion of Classical Guitar and Flamenco Guitar in China.


Sergi Boadella

Spanish cellist Sergi Boadella is currently Professor of Cello and Chamber Music at Shenyang Conservatory of Music in Dalian and Professor of Cello at Central Conservatory Experimental School in Beijing, China.

The past six year he has performed and taught extensively throughout China. He has taught master classes at the Conservatories of Beijing, Dalian, Chengdu, Shenyang, Harbin, and Shenzhen among others and performed as soloist with the Hunan, Harbin, and Daqin symphony orchestras.

While in China, he helped developed the new Cassadó Cello Strings at the Xinghai Fuyin String Factory in Beijing.

For more than 15 years he has had the enormous privilege to be the assistant teacher and collaborator of master Marçal Cervera , student of Gaspar Cassado and Paul Tortelier.

He has taught at the Balearic Islands Conservatory, Valencia Internacional University, and at the International Courses of Ripoll, Tarrega, Denia, Cartagena, Camprodon and Tortosa.

Mr. Boadella began his cello studies with Lluís Claret in Barcelona (Spain), continued his studies with Cristian Florea at Musikhochschule Trossingen in Germany, and finished his training as a pupil of Marçal Cervera. He won the 2nd prize in the JJMM Young Musicians Competition of Spain in 1990 and graduated from Guildhall School in London with distinction. Further studies include courses with Bernard Greenhouse, Michael Flaksman, Maud Tortelier, Anner Bylsma, and Christophe Coin.

Mr. Boadella has has performed in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Tunisia, Taiwan and China. He has served as principal cellist of the Palau de la Música Catalana Chamber Orchester in Barcelona, and has been a member of JONDE (Youth National Orchestra of Spain), the Kammerorchester Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany), the Catalan Chamber Orchestra, the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra and the Castilla y León Symphony Orchestra.

As member of the Quartet de Barcelona he has recorded several CDs and performed throughout Europe, premiering many works of Spanish composers, including works dedicated to the quartet.

He performs on a cello made by Martino Heel in Genova (Italy) in 1700.