老多 Alberto Cuellar 吉他





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大提琴和吉他 萨琪-老多 Duo Saqi Cello & Guitar 北京 吉他:  Alberto Cuellar 老多  大提琴: Sergi Boadella 萨琪: www.jitamen.com/duosaqi

阿尔贝托·古埃亚 -老多- (Alberto Cuellar)先生简介



他从小就非常喜欢吉他。自19世纪以来,吉他就一直伴随着他的家族。他最早在家乡和父亲奇科·古埃亚(“Chico” Cuellar)以及老师阿拉力奇·佐耶尔·阿拉里科(Alarich Zoller “Alarico”)一起学习吉他。之后他前往伦敦吉尔德霍尔音乐与戏剧学院(Guildhall School of Music & Drama),师从罗伯特·布莱特摩尔(Robert Brightmore)老师。通过四年的学习,获得了的吉他专业的学位。




他创建了吉他们网站www.jitamen.com 这也是目前在中国推广古典吉他以及弗拉门戈吉他的最主要的网站之一。

Alberto Cuellar 老多 is the main author of the Book : ” The Granada School of Guitar Makers ” 格拉纳达吉他制作家学校.  published in May 2014. www.jitamen.com/granada-guitar-makers-book




Alberto Cuellar 老多 2015年一月份在CCTV3星光大道演出。Alberto Cuellar 老多 Performance 2015 in famous CCTV 3  China National Television Tv Show ” 星光大道演出”。

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阿尔贝多 ·古埃亚(Alberto Cuellar),西班牙格拉纳达人。他来自于一个起源于19世纪末的吉他世家。他的祖父贝贝·古埃亚(Pepe Cuellar)曾于1922年在Manuel de Falla和Federico Garcia Lorca举办的第一届佛拉门戈歌唱比赛上获得最佳佛拉门戈吉他伴奏手的桂冠,此次比赛是由Manuel de Falla 和 Federico Garcia Lorca及其他知名的艺术家共同举办 组织的。他的祖父被人们称为“Hi jo de Salvador”,即,Salvador的儿子。

贝贝·古埃亚(Pepe Cuellar)

阿尔贝多在父亲的启蒙下开始学习吉他,然后他在 Junior Department of the Trinity College of Music (from Egland)学习古典吉他,并以高学分(Distinction)完成了学位。

1995 年至2000年,就读于英国Guildhall School of Music & Drama of Kent University研习西班牙吉他,师从Robert Brightmore教授,期间,得到了欧盟的奖学金。


1997年至1998年间曾先后多次前往加利福尼亚跟随佩佩·罗梅罗(Pepe Romero)学习,并且在当地录制了个人第一张吉他独奏专辑。随后,1999年至2000年间,跟随Juan Carmona ”Habichuela” 在马德里学习佛拉门戈吉他,并与其及另外一位佛拉门戈吉他演奏家Pepe Habichuela在格拉纳达一起举办佛拉门戈演奏会。

Alberto Cuellar 的父亲Jose Cuellar 是他佛拉门戈吉他的启蒙老师,之后他又跟随很多非常有名的西班牙佛拉门戈演奏家进行学习,例如: Rafi Gomez, Ramon del Paso, Juan Habichuela, Pepe Habichuela, Angel Alonso, Vicente Marquez “Tente”, Rafael Fajardo, Dani Moron …

Alberto 作为一名演奏家在很多地方都进行过演出,例如:西班牙国内有格拉纳达、塞维利亚、Jaen,马德里,巴塞罗那,圣•赛巴斯蒂安,马拉加…西班牙外像英国伦敦剑桥、美国圣地亚哥、法国圣胡安德路,日本东京、泰国普吉岛…2004年在西班牙和Presjoven管弦乐队做巡回演出,演出曲目” Fantasia para un Gentilhombre” ,由Joaquin Rodrigo 作曲。其中很多城市包括:Cordoba的Almodovar 城堡,坦纳利佛音乐厅(Auditorio de Tenerife)——为世界音乐教育大会( International Society of Musical Education Congress)做开场演出。

自2008年以来他居住在北京,进行佛拉门戈吉他演出和教学。他在很多城市演出过,例如:香港、北京、上海、深圳、杭州、大连、西安、福州、淮南、郑州、沈阳、贵阳… 他作为一个吉他演奏家进行吉他独奏,弗拉门戈舞蹈伴奏并且和其他类型音乐演奏家合作,例如:爵士或者传统音乐。他为很多外国或者中国的公司演出过。


MPC Spanish Wine Company, China Commerce Spanish Office, Extenda (Andalucia Commerce China Office) Tradeco Info Murcia, Taste of Spain Wine & Food China, South American Residents Convention Beijing, Fuzhou Wine Spanish Companies Convention, …,
Westin Hotel, Hotel Nikko (Tianjin), Nali Hua Yuan Sanlitun, Carmen Restaurant Sanlitun, Saffron Restaurant, Cabare Rest.,Regent Hotel Wangfujing, Hilton Wangfujing, Only China Wine Company ….
Mercedes Benz 2011 Event, Ritz Carlton, Shanghai, Nali Patio Annual Flamenco Night 2010-2011, Park Hyatt Hotel J.P Morgan Company Event, Kempinsky Hotel Lufthansa Centre Annual Event 2011, World Wine Convention 2012, Spanish Car Seat Leon China Presentation Shenzhen 2012, Beijing Spanish Embassy 12/10/2012 Alberto Cuellar Trio 老多 西班牙大使馆演出 Spanish Day Celebration … 2013 Beijing Peninsula Hotel, Beijing Opposite House Hotel,  Beijing Four Seasons Hotel, Beijing Spanish Embassy National Celebration 11.10. 2013, Shanghai Spanish Consulate National Celebration 14.10.2013, Nali Patio Annual Flamenco Event 12.10.2013  …

Alberto Cuellar & Oscar Quero 2013


Fours Season Flamenco Dance Group Performance 2013.05

 Park Hyatt Hotel. J.P. Morgan Event. Beijing 北京

Flamenco Duo. Migas Rest. Sanlitun. Beijing.

Sergi Boadella -Cello- Alberto Cuellar -Guitar- (Beijing 2012)

Duo Saqi (Cello & Guitar): www.jitamen.com/duosaqi

 大提琴/吉他. 排练 Spanish Popular Song. Nana by Manuel de Falla. 北京 2012.11大提琴Sergi Boadella吉他 Alberto Cuellar老多

Alberto Cuellar 在过去的20年里,认识了很多尤其是西班牙的著名的吉他制作家。向他们学习吉他制作的艺术,探索这种完美而又神奇乐器的内部世界。



Alberto Cuellar nace en Granada.

Desde pequeño se interesa por la guitarra. Tradición existente en su familia desde el siglo 19.
Aprende en su ciudad natal con su padre “Chico” Cuellar  y Alarich Zoller “Alarico”. Más tarde se traslada a Londres donde permanecerá 4 años para obtener la Licenciatura en Guitarra por la Guildhall School of Music & Drama teniendo de profesor a Robert Brightmore.
Ha dado conciertos de guitarra en paises tales como Francia, EE.UU, Japón, Tailandia, Inglaterra, España, Mexico o India.
Desde 2008 reside en Pekín donde realiza una intensa labor como concertista, profesor y promotor  del Flamenco y la Guitarra Española por todo el país.
La temporada de 2013-2014 Alberto Cuellar actúa como guitarrista flamenco con la Compañía Nacional de Danza de China -DongFang – para su espectáculo Andalusian Passionate junto a bailaores y bailaoras de China y España, recorriendo los principales teatros de toda China.
Es fundador de www.jitamen.com una de las principales webs para la promoción de la guitarra clásica y flamenca en China.


Alberto Cuellar was born in Granada, Spain.
Since very young was interested for the guitar. A guitar tradition exists in his family since the 19th Century.
He started to learn guitar in his hometown with his father “Chico” Cuellar  and Alarich Zoller “Alarico”. At that time in his hometown he got the Trinity College of Music Grade 8 in Guitar with Distinction.   Later he went to London where he lived there for 4 years to get graduated (Bmus) in guitar by the Guildhall School of Music & Drama with teacher Robert Brightmore.
He is being giving recitals in many different countries such as France, EE.UU, Japan, Thailand, England, Spain or India.
Since 2008 he lives in Beijing, China where he is constantly doing guitar recitals and promoting the Spanish Guitar and the Flamenco guitar all over the country.
He performs as a flamenco guitarist during 2013-2014 with the National Dance Company -DongFang- together with Spanish and Chinese flamenco dancers in the main theatres all over China.
He is the founder of www.jitamen.com one of the main guitar websites for the promotion of Classical Guitar and Flamenco Guitar in China.

Alberto Cuéllar was born in Granada, Spain in 1973. He stated its first guitar strokes influenced by a legacy since XIX century he inherited from his great grandfather , and more directly from his grandfather Pepe Cuéllar also known as “Hijo de Salvador”, who was awarded the first price for guitar at the first Competition of Cante Jondo in 1922 organized by Manuel de Falla and Federico García Lorca, among others.

Alvaro Trugeda & Alberto Cuellar

Alberto perfected his musical knowledge at the Guildhall School of Music in London during four years with professor Robert Brigthmore. He got the Bachelor of Music and he graduated in classical guitar by the Kent University in 2000.

He went to California in 1997 and 1998 taking lessons and playing with Pepe Romero in San Diego. Also he knew the Granada Flamenco guitarist Juan Carmona “Habichuela” giving some concerts together in Granada “Peña flamenca La Parra” in 1999 and 2000. He also played with his brother Pepe “Habichuela” in Lanjarón, Granada. 2000.

He learnt Flamenco Guitar first with his father Pepe Cuellar and then with many guitarist such as: Rafi Gomez, Juan Habichuela, Pepe Habichuela, Angel Alonso, Vicente Marquez “Tente”, Rafael Fajardo, Dani Moron …


For many years Alberto has played flamenco guitar all over Spain in concerts organized by well known spanish “Peñas Flamencas” (spanish flamenco clubs).
Alberto Cuéllar has made two recordings as a solo guitar player in 1998, San Diego and 2002, Granada –Producciones Ambar-
He played in many different cities and festival all around the world.

Since 2008 Alberto Cuellar is living in China and have been extensively playing his Spanish Guitar as a soloist, in classical ensemble, jazz ensemble trio, and with flamenco dancers in concerts through Asia. China cities like Xiʼan, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin,Hangzhou, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dalian, Shenyang, Fuzhou, Guiyang … among others. And Asian Countries like Tokyo, Japan and Thailand.

Alberto is working closely with projects and performances as guitarist and music director with the China National Dance Company DongFang with the Flamenco show Andalusian Passionate.

China National Dance Company Donfang Flamenco Show Andalusian Passionate in 21st Century Theatre Beijing 2013




Working for many different China and Foreigner companies Events around China with Performances: MPC Spanish Wine Company, China Commerce Spanish Office, Extenda (Andalucia Commerce China Office) Tradeco Info Murcia, Taste of Spain Wine & Food China, South American Residents Convention Beijing, Fuzhou Wine Spanish Companies Convention, …,
Westin Hotel, Hotel Nikko (Tianjin), Nali Hua Yuan Sanlitun, Carmen Restaurant Sanlitun, Saffron Restaurant, Cabare Rest.,Regent Hotel Wangfujing, Hilton Wangfujing, Only China Wine Company ….
Mercedes Benz 2011 Event, Ritz Carlton, Shanghai, Nali Patio Annual Flamenco Night 2010-2011, Park Hyatt Hotel J.P Morgan Company Event, Kempinsky Hotel Lufthansa Centre Annual Event 2011, World Wine Convention 2012, Spanish Car Seat Leon China Presentation Shenzhen 2012, Celebration Spain Day Event in Spanish Embassy Beijing 2012, Beijing Peninsula Hotel, Beijing Opposite House Hotel,  Beijing Four Seasons Hotel …


在西班牙隆达录了一首巴赫序曲BMV998。献给在北京的Boadella Wang一家和他们的刚出生的美丽小女儿Xiao Monica 2015.05


Beijing Flamenco Group 2013

老多 Alberto Cuellar China 中国 2008-2012

弗拉门戈吉他演奏家 老多 Alberto Cuellar Guajira Flamenco 大连 2011

Granaina. Alberto Cuellar 老多 大连音乐 大学 2013 弗



弗拉门戈吉他演奏家 格拉纳达国际摄影节音乐由Alberto Cuellar演

弗拉门戈吉他演奏家 老多 Alberto Cuellar Flamenco Tangos 2011

弗拉门戈吉他演奏家 Alberto Cuellar Alegrias -Gulou鼓楼- 2012

Alberto Cuellar 老多 俄罗斯音乐会 2014



Alberto Cuellar 老多